15 maggio 2011

The Atomic Cafe

Notes from the documentary:

President Truman said: “ We have spent more than 2 billion dollars on the greatest scientific gamble in history and we have won”.

“Having found the atomic bomb, we have used it”.

Nuclear test in Bikini: evacuation is needed to proceed with the experiment.

The Cold War: East vs. West

“Could the A-Bomb (atomic bomb) be used as a weapon in the Korean War? Is it necessary?”

Should we embrace diplomacy or pragmatism (then fight)?

“(A nuclear ) War would be world’ suicide”

President Eisenhower: “America should create the H bomb and then keep it safe, without using it. Americans must be vigilant to lead this world to a peaceful and security distance. And I assure you, WE CAN DO IT”.

H bomb (Hydrogen bomb) use =Third World War = catastrophe for all mankind.

Use of an atomic weapon -> Effects:
· Blast
· Heat
· Radiation -> you can’t see it, feel it nor smell it.

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